Stories of Thedas

Write Your Story


Stories of Thedas is a collection of writing challenge prompts related to BioWare's Dragon Age series. It was first created in 2020 by Twitter user Talvi, who is now aided by users Nuka and Ari.
We hold multiple writing challenges a year, so please keep an eye on our Twitter for updates.

Ari profile picture

Prompt Writer
Graphic Designer

Nuka profile picture

Prompt Writer
Prompt translations: ENG -> FRN

Talvi profile picture

Prompt Writer
Prompt translations: ENG -> JPN

Below are links to each set of prompts (referred to as "volumes")

Below are some frequently asked questions we have received for SoT

Q. "How can I participate in SoT?"
A. Prompts are posted about one month before the challenge start date, allowing writers to prepare their works ahead of time. You can post what you come up with anywhere, and can share the links to our Twitter for people to read if you would like to.

Q. Do I have to participate every single day?"
A. No, and it is perfectly okay to pick and choose the days you want to participate in. If you want to take a break from a challenge and come back later, that is perfectly fine too!

Q. "I don't want to share my works, but I want to participate in the prompts. Is that okay?"
A. Of course! Please only share what you're comfortable with. There's no pressure to make your works public.


For the latest updates, please see our Twitter